How did I go...?
I finished! Can you believe it? I couldn't. I've got 50,000 words of crap, but the thought that's comforting me now is that I can always edit and rewrite. I am very excited, I have my little certificate printed off and hanging on the wall.
I can not wait until next year and I can't wait until I have the time to get back into the story and edit, my inner editor is crying at the moment and there is so much to be fixed in the story it's quite mortifying.
So, participants who are reading this, comment! Tell me all about your Nano experience, what you could have done better, what you loved and hated about the month, why you love your story and anything else you want to share with us!
Remember to enter the contest I'm running, you have the wonderful chance to win signed copies of Melina's Marchetta's wonderfully amazing books. Oh and how's this, Nano participants, whether you won or lost, three extra entry's into my contest!! Isn't it wonderful that I'm feeling so generous?
Expect a review for In Ecstasy by Kate McCafferty in the next day or so.
8 Listener(s):
Congrats!!! I didn't participate, but I think it would be cool to try next year...
Ugh. For the second year in a row I've failed miserably. It's just that I'm always so busy... and I procrastinate when deadlines are involved. But this year I didn't even reach last year's word could, partially because I accidentally deleted part of my novel. In the end I barely broke 20,000. Sigh. But I'll still try to finish it. But I'm happy for my friend, who reached 100k. Now we officially can go see the Twilight movie without feeling that we should be writing!
I got to like 600 words and forgot about it for a while. If i had my own computer this would've been so much easier. I'll try again next year!
There is something waiting for you on my blog...
-That Teen-
Hey, I have a surprise for you on my blog!!
I nominated you for the I Love Your Blog award.
Ugg, I did terrible! I got 4, 878 words. I didn't even do it for the last half of the month! I've been SO busy! With the fact that I'm now fostering dogs, my birthday, Thanksgiving, Twilight Movie, and School.....so much...
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you Allie! I bet it's brilliant!
Yay for you winning Nano....I failed at just around 20k...my fourth year and I've only one once. Still....congrats!
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